A new shape for a familiar concept, the Loki functions like the Smith Machine. It is plate-loaded, uses linear bearings, and features a self-spotting lock-out function, but, unlike the traditional Smith Machine, the arms move independently and come closer together at the top of the motion in imitation of the natural path of a dumbbell shoulder press.
Like its namesake, the Loki is a subtle shape-shifter. The seat leans back through 8 positions and slides horizontally through 20, so that the athlete can move from a seated military shoulder press to an incline chest press with a few simple adjustments. The six resistance band pegs, three on each side, allow users to attach resistance bands, like those in our Legacy series, to the trollies so that the press becomes more difficult at the top of the motion.
The Loki was specifically designed to stand out in commercial fitness facilities, but also made to withstand their rigors; it features 11-and-14-gauge steel construction and a chip-and-rust-resistant matte-black finish. The seat and backrest are both two and a half inches thick and upholstered with antimicrobial tear-resistant material for prolonged durability and maximal comfort.
The Loki boasts…
• A truly unique design
• Military and incline press modes
• Self-spotting handles
• 11-14 gauge steel construction
• 6 pegs for resistance bands
• 4 guide rods, two on each side
• Industrial-grade linear bearings
• Anti-microbial, tear-resistant upholstery
Total WT: 441 Lbs. WD: 65 In LEN: 76 In HT: 80 In
*Please note this machine arrives assembled
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