Indomitable, the rhino charges—a mass of furious sinew and armored flesh—all behind a single, devastating point. The leg-press machine that draws inspiration from this mound of muscle and danger is half as heavy but just as tough. Constructed with 11-gauge steel and tear-resistant antimicrobial upholstery, the Rhino allows you to comfortably lift 1,000 pounds—not because that’s all its four weight horns can hold, but because that’s all that will fit. The Rhino features 5 adjustable back settings and a safety spotter bar that can be locked at high and low positions, ensuring that every time you reach your maximum, you do so in safety.
Dimensions: 87″ x 64″ x 55″ (LxWxH) | Weight: 556 LB
*Please note this machine arrives assembled
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